Benefits of Chiropractic for Pain Management

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pain Management

Manage Chronic Pain in Atlanta

"Time heals all wounds," or so the saying goes. Unfortunately, some forms of pain refuse to vanish with the passage of time. If you have been struggling with continuous or recurring pain that threatens your quality of life then our chiropractor, Dr. Senft, can use natural techniques to help you keep that pain under control without surgery or drugs.

Acute injuries or illnesses frequently include pain, but this pain tends to fade as the damage to the body is repaired. Chronic pain conditions, on the other hand, never seem to go away on their own. Perhaps the physical damage is permanent or progressive, or maybe you were left with nerve damage or hypersensitivity. Osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis and degenerative disc disease are all prime examples of conditions that can cause persistent pain.

Chiropractic treatment can do more than just relieve pain from acute conditions; it can also prove invaluable for pain management for chronic or lingering conditions. For example, if you are prone to age-related stiffening of the facet joints in the spine or flattening of spinal discs, periodic adjustments can help give the spinal column a reprieve by taking pressure off of these structures. We can also prescribe exercises and other forms of therapy to limber up impaired joints and strengthen the muscles that support them, which can greatly reduce your pain.

Chiropractic treatment also provides another important benefit. Faulty or erratic nerve signaling is a major factor of many forms of chronic pain. Pressure on nerve roots can cause or worsen this malfunction. Regular spinal adjustments can help normalize your nerve function so you are receiving less "static" in the form of constant or exaggerated pain signals.

Visit Senft Chiropractic in Atlanta and Start Feeling Better Today

If pain is sabotaging your life, talk to our Atlanta chiropractor, Dr. Senft today. We can help you feel better by making your body function better! Give us a call for more information or to schedule an appointment! 

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