Pain Management Exercises

Enjoy Drug-Free Pain Management with Our Atlanta Chiropractor

Whether you have a bad back, a chronic pain condition, or an acute injury, you need help with pain management. Our Atlanta chiropractor, Dr. Craig A. Senft, is here to provide it. Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive way to manage and relieve the pain of chronic conditions and injuries of the spine and whole body.

How Our Chiropractor Can Help You with Pain Management

man_with_backpain_at_deskIf you suffer from chronic pain, you know how debilitating and demoralizing it can be. Prescription painkillers can provide temporary relief from pain, but they too often come with dangerous side effects and can even be addictive. Our chiropractor can provide pain management care that does not require drugs or surgery, even if you suffer from a chronic condition or have had a failed surgery in the past. Chiropractic adjustments target the cause of chronic and acute pain, to remove pressure from pinched nerves and restore joint mobility. Chiropractic care can also relieve muscle tension and stress by restoring the bones of the spine to their proper positions.

Many of the chronic pain conditions Dr. Senft treats occur due to spinal subluxations, or misalignments of the spine. By correcting these subluxations with manual adjustments, Dr. Senft can restore appropriate nervous system functioning, which supports the body's healing processes. Restoring nervous function can alleviate many physical symptoms, including tense, knotted muscles, headaches, and tingling. In the case of acute injuries, adjustments can improve blood flow to the affected area, support lymph drainage, reduce inflammation, and speed healing.

The number of treatments you will need depends on the nature and severity of your condition. Many chronic conditions may require continuing treatment. Acute conditions, like injuries, may be completely healed with only a few sessions. If you are injured in an auto accident or other circumstances, it is important to seek chiropractic care right away, before scar tissue accumulates and the condition becomes chronic and harder to treat.

Have you ever benefited from chiropractic care for pain management? How did it help? Tell us more in the comments!


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