Common Car Accident Injuries

Common Car Accident Injuries

Back injuries are one of the most common traumas caused by automobile accidents, but “back injury” is only a general term that doesn’t describe the specific damage each individual might suffer. At Senft Chiropractic of Atlanta we understand that every person’s injury and recovery is unique. That’s why we offer a variety of treatments in a positive, friendly atmosphere to help our patient’s relieve pain caused by auto accidents and reach their wellness goals.

Types of Car Accident Injuries

Several types of car accident injuries can occur when the spine and vertebrae are traumatized in a collision. Even minor, low-speed collisions can have long-lasting consequences. The spinal column is a delicate mechanism, made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs and nerves. Damage can be mild to severe, temporary or permanent.

Cervical Spine Injuries – The neck is particularly susceptible to a whiplash injury because of the way the head balances on top of the cervical spine. In a collision the head “whips” back and forth, sometimes damaging the nerves and vertebrae. The recovery time from whiplash may be long.

Thoracic Spine Injuries – The thoracic spine is the upper back, and injury to this are can be very severe, sometimes resulting in permanent damage to the nerves.

Lumbar Spine Injuries – The largest vertebrae and strongest muscles of the spine are located in the lower back. Injury to this area can limit movement and cause severe pain.

Herniated Discs – Discs separate the vertebrae and protect the spine. When a disc is pushed out of place it’s described as “herniated.” A herniated disc can put pressure on the surrounding spinal nerves and cause intense pain, numbness and other uncomfortable sensations in the lower back or legs.

Spinal Cord Injuries – Damage to the spinal cord is the most serious type of back injury and may lead to long-term disability. Depending on the severity and location of the damage, a variety of secondary medical problems may also occur.

Chiropractic care is a gentle, non-invasive approach to treating common car accident injuries.


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